Yanling's Testimony
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hey guys, i am Yanling.

Well, i am not a christian since i was born, but i was brought to City Harvest Children Church by my neighbours
when i was Primary 5. I was still young at that moment and don't really know or care about christianity or
church. And since i am young that time, my family wouldn't mind me going. Afterall, they knew i would stop going one day.
Therefore i wasn't forbidden for going to church.
What i knew was fun and fun and fun at that age. I enjoyed my days in City Harvest Children Church, not knowing
what is God, and what is the use of me being in Church. All i know was to play. No bible study was given,
even preaching was not very common. All we do was just singing and singing. I didn't even know what praise and
worship was all about. I continued going to City Harvest Children Church blindly. Everything came to a stop when i
was having my PSLE. I was stopped by my parents from going to church as they say it would affect my studies. After that, everything about City Harvest Children Church were removed from my memory. No one ever mention about City Harvest to me.
My neighbours were seldom seen too.

It was when i was in Secondary two. I met a girl by the name of Clarissa.
We were just like any normal classmate. You can never see me hanging out with her after school or during weekends.
It was when Common test was near, Clar and me then started studying together often. That was when
i got to know that Clar goes to City Harvest Church. I was thrilled when i knew that Clar is from City Harvest Church. But i
did nothing about it.

One day, I was being invited out to watch a movie with Jeremy, that was when i got to know Jeremy. As I got to know him more,
I was invited to an "outing" by Jeremy. I agreed, since i was free on that day. People i met on that day was all
unfamiliar, even though most of them were from my school. At marina barrage, games were played and we had a lot of
interaction. I enjoyed myself. By the end of the day, i was quite un-shy. i was being invited to join the service the
following day and something just tells me to go for it. So i agreed.

On my first service, my question was answered. I finally know why my neighbours would introduce me to church.
As days pass, i realise the importance of God. Slowly, there was a change in my life. I was a girl who was
full of profanities and rudeness. But now, profanities has all become kind words and rudeness changed to
helpfulness. My basketball teammates were all puzzled by my sudden change therefore they are not used to it.

I was planted back to City Harvest Church once again, with such a loving and caring Cell Group, N439.
This is all planned, by our awesome God.

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About N439

Family. :)


  • Outreaches Within Connect Groups:
    date : 17-21 March 2010
    venue : -





    Brenda Carol Cherie Cheryl Huijuan Jeremy John Pastor Kong Marcus Shiming Songjie Valerie Weers Weiyong Xingyan Xinni Yahlan Yanling Yuanmay


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